
The new and complete history of the life of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: the great example and saviour of mankind book by Paul Wright Rev. Theodore Markham ISBN:

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in acceptable condition. Front cover detached but the pages are excellent. 1795 edition but not sure. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> If properly executed of the utmost con?equence to this Chriflian land; but it is a matter which will be readily allowed by the impartial and difintere?ted and which has been long much lamented that no complete and perfectly authentic Work of this kind has been publi?hed whereby perfons of every capacity may gain a thorough knowledge of the important fubject. Hitherto Works of this fort have been published in too fmall a compa?s and likewife in too fmall fizes which are by no means fo elegant ?o convenient nor fo well adapted to the import- ance of fo valuable a work which ?hould not be cut ?hort and mangled to fuit any private purpose. Some of the?e publications have been compiled by perfons who?e characters as well as private fentiments would have done no honour to them and were therefore ushered into the world under the names of fictitious perfons who never exified; and others of them have been fo wretchedly exe- cuted that Chri?tian people have only parted with their money without having their expectations at all anfwered. To remedy all thefe defects by which the public have been materially injured I was applied to by numerous friends to publi?h this NEW AND COMPLETE LIFE OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST the diligent labour of many years and which by the bleffing of God I have now committed to the prefs in order that it may be of real benefit and ufe to pious and fincere Proteftants of every denomination. I would not on any account permit it to be printed in any other fize than Crown Folio (being a fize lefs than my COMPLETE BRITISH FAMILY BIBLE and my Modermzed and baproved Edition of Fox’s Original Book of MARTYRS now publi?hing in numbers. (OS)

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Alex Hogg and Co

Book author

Paul Wright Rev. Theodore Markham


Used – Acceptable


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