
Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Cambridgeshire: The Fitzwilliam Museum book by Sonia Roe and Public Catalogue Foundation ISBN: 9781904931126

Original price was: £16.95.Current price is: £13.56.

Used – Very Good

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SKU: Batch-FM463-VG-10392 Categories: , , , Tag:


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent unused condition. Images are beautiful bright and vivid. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> However its fragmentary ownership in the hands of a gallimaufry of town and city councils local authorities county councils trusts educational authorities and so on prevents our seeing it as a National Collection offers it no protection as part of our national heritage and promotes its accelerating decline and decay. More absurdly what is the point of the current political obsession with public access to our heritage if no one has more than the faintest idea of what that access is to? Without leadership from the public sector on the need for improved catalogue records and the provision of funds to achieve this the guardians of our National Collection will continue to be overwhelmed by the task of caring for their collections and making them accessible to the public that deserves to know what it owns. This series of catalogues of publicly owned oil paintings – ironically funded principally by the private sector and charitable trusts – is starting to address the issue and make us aware of what we all own. And as the Fitzwilliam shows we own some staggeringly beautiful assets. Enormous thanks to the staff at the Fitzwilliam particularly Duncan Robinson David Scrase and Andrew Morris for their tireless help in ensuring this catalogue is in such fine shape. And as usual we are indebted to a number of individuals and organisations who have so generously helped fund the production of the catalogue. In particular I would like to thank Hiscox plc the Manifold Trust the Marlay Group the Monument Trust the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation. (MP)

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