
Field Guide to the Water Life of Britain book by Reader’s Digest ISBN:

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Water is essential to life accounting for be-tween 60 and 99 per cent of the body weight of all plants and animals. Because of this water is the ideal environment for living organisms. It was in the water of the seas that life first appeared some 3500 million years ago. Water still supports a much grea-ter diversity of life than the land and living organisms are to be found in virtually all the flowing and standing waters on Earth from the deepest seas and largest lakes and rivers to the smallest pools and highest mountain streams. Even the ice of glaciers and the water between soil particles supports single- Unlike the land surface aquatic environ-ments must be thought of as three-dimensional living space. Many animals and plants live permanently in the open water or pelagic zone. Some like the jellyfish are Boaters (plankton); and some like fish and squids are swimmers (nekton). Others live on or in the sea-bed or on each other (ben-thos). This means that life exists through-out all water depths in the same area of occar Deep waters such as the seas and big lakes are stable places to live. The tempera-ture for example changes very slowly compared to that of small pools. (SP)

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Reader's Digest

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Reader's Digest


Used – Very Good


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