
Slavonic And Western Music: Essays For Gerald Abraham book by Malcolm Hamrich Brown Roland John Wiley ISBN: 9780193112094

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Pages in good condition. Some wear on DJ. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> The range and the richness of this remarkable collection of essays bear witness to the imaginative mind and the ecumenical musical interests of the man to whom it is dedicated. Gerald Abra-ham internationally recognized as an authority on music of the nineteenth century is dean of western specialists on Slavonic music. His British and Ameri-can colleagues here offer studies de-voted to Tchaikovsky Dvor?k Skri-abin Sibelius Balakirev Khandoshkin Serov Musorgsky and Chesnokov as well as to Handel Beethoven Lalo Blow Schein and Weber. Attention is also focused on “Russians in Venice” the eighteenth-century Com?die-Itali-enne “Western Attitudes to Eastern Musics” and the prose of Donald Francis Tovey. Malcolm Hamrick Brown Professor of Music and member of the Russian and East European Institute Indiana Uni-versity is author of numerous articles on Russian music. Dr. Brown-who received the American Council of Learned Societies/Soviet Academy of Sciences Grant as well as fellowships from the Ford Foundation the Lilly Endowment and the ACLS-is current-ly at work on a critical biography of Sergei Prokofiev. Roland Wiley is Associate Professor of Music History and Musicology at the University of Michigan. He is currently on a Guggenheim Fellowship in Eng-land where he is writing a book on the ballets of Marius Petipa. He is also acting as choreographic consultant for a new production of The Nutcracker which is being staged by the Royal Ballet in London in December. His Tchaikovsky’s Ballets: Swan Lake Sleeping Beauty Nutcracker is forth-coming from Oxford University Press. (SP)

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Oxford University

Book author

Malcolm Hamrich Brown Roland John Wiley


Used – Very Good


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