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Finding books can be hard! So on this page we have gathered all of the categories together to help you in your search for a book. Head down the page to browse and see what you can find.

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  • None Fiction (3738)

    None Fiction used second hand books category is a parent category that holds all books and sub-categories that are not fiction. None fiction covers a vast amount of subjects. If you are studying anything, learning how to do something, finding out facts or referencing information you will use books in the none-fiction category. Some books are none fiction but tell true stories about things that have really happened or the ordeals that people have been through in real life.
  • Featured

    Featured (1947)

    Featured used second hand books can include books from any category. They are  used or new books that we feel deserve to be noticed because they are rare, in great condition, hard to find books or we have priced them particularly competitively. They can include fiction and none fiction used books and new books. They can be children's books, textbooks, history books, biography books, books about the war or any category as long as the book is special in some way.
  • Arts & Photography (904)

    Arts and photography used books category includes many second-hand and new books covering subjects such as classical art, contemporary art, ethnic art and fantasy art as well as photography books on wildlife, landscape, portrait, historic photographs. The category also covers techniques for art and photography.
  • History (827)

    History used second hand-books category is one of the most popular and biggest categories. It covers a vast array of subjects with books about war, the ancient world, medieval life, history of medicine, the history of specific places or buildings and the history of countries. Conflict history is perhaps the most popular with detailed accounts of how battles were fought and about the methods that were used.
  • Pre-ISBN (397)

    Pre-ISBN used second-hand books category has older books that were published before books had ISBN numbers which was around 1966. We have a lot of collectible books that cover a wide range of subjects both fiction and none fiction in this category. Although older books are collectible they are not always valuable and many books are great value for money and look great on a bookshelf.
  • Crafts Hobbies & Home (391)

    Crafts Hobbies & Home Used Books category includes many second-hand books covering subjects such as sewing, knitting, pottery, woodwork, candle making, home brewing, quilting, and toy making. The category includes many specialist books for niche hobbies and crafts and some hard to find out of print books. There are also books about decorating and home design as well as books about building extensions and altering your home.
  • Religion & Spirituality

    Religion & Spirituality (235)

    Religion & Spirituality used second hand books category has books about mainstream and alternative religion as well as books about the spirituality of both religion and other forces such as nature, meditation and methodologies of thought to bring about well-being. This category also has books about the critical analysis of religion evaluating how it operates in society and about how religion has shaped the world in which we live.
  • Transport (165)

    Transport used second-hand books category has books about cars, trains, boats, airplanes and anything do do with transport and the infrastructure around transport such as the rail network books. Steam trains are a popular transport category book as are car manuals and books about luxury cars such as Porsche books and super-car books. Classic motorbikes and modern performance motor bike books are also very popular.
  • Biography (142)

    Biography used books category includes many second-hand and new books covering both Auto-biography and biography either official or unofficial. This section is one of the most popular sections. Biographies can be historic, political, humorous or controversial. Lots of the books we stock are hard to get, out of print editions that can be very old or simply rare.
  • Fiction

    Fiction (115)

    Fiction used second-hand books covers all categories of fiction books, thrillers, horror, suspense stories, novels, classics, children's books as well as comics and graphic novels. This is one of the most popular categories of books with top sellers selling very fast due to high demand. Collectors often favour hardback books as opposed to paperbacks not only because they look great but they are usually in much better condition being more durable.
  • Travel & Holiday (86)

    Travel & Holiday used second hand books category has books about visiting places, guide books, peoples travel accounts and books about travelling by yacht or on foot to various destinations around the world. Books about people taking on a challenge and writing an account of their travels are very popular such as sailing around the world or walking the coast path of the UK.
  • Poetry Drama & Criticism (84)

    Poetry Drama & Criticism used second-hand books category covers a very popular category of books which can include basic poetry, alternative poetry, classical poetry. The more academic books are often used in education and some books breakdown poems and drama texts to analyse the writings for students and as such become reference, textbooks. There are also lots of modern poetry and drama works which are of general interest.
  • Architecture Design & Engineering (80)

    Architecture Design & Engineering Used second-hand books includes many second-hand and new books covering subjects such as architecture history, the engineering behind building, famous architects, featured buildings. It also covers very specialist technical books about materials properties and strength, stress and engineering considerations as well as legislation.
  • Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences (74)

    Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences used second hand books category has books about world politics and discussions around philosophy including texts from specific historic figures. The social science books are about day to day social issues such as social care and security as well as specific areas such as social work. Many of the books look at complex social issues from competing perspectives as in sociology.
  • Mind Body & Spirit (70)

    Mind Body & Spirit used-second-hand books category has books about how to maintain you body and mind in good health. Mental health books are popular especially meditation and mindfulness. Whilst Mind body and spirit category does not cover religion which has it's own separate category, many of the books overlap and talk about aspects of religion, especially in relation to mental health. this section can also have books about general health problems and how to treat them with alternative medicines and herbs.
  • Scientific Technical & Medical

    Scientific Technical & Medical (69)

    Scientific Technical & Medical used second hand books category has books of interest to professionals working in science, health and other technical fields such as engineering. This category has textbooks that are used in training, for reference and academically. These books are usually very specialist and go into a great deal of depth around a subject. They are often very specific such as books about nuclear fusion or books about engineering with specialist material or about thermo conductive properties of a material.
  • Health Family & Lifestyle (61)

    Health Family & Lifestyle used books category includes books about, diets, healthy eating, managing health issues, parenting, natural remedy books, self sufficiency, women's health and beauty books. The category is very broad as many subjects can be classified as lifestyle books, which cover anything to do, or of interest to our daily living such as homeopathy and massage.
  • Novels & Stories

    Novels & Stories (60)

    Novels & Stories used second hand books category has a broad interest base of fiction books, from fantasy stories to the classic novels. A lot of these books may be older and collectible although many will be newer versions of older books. There are many recently written books that are very sought after and popular and some books that are very rare and hard to find. This is a broad category with many different types of fiction books.
  • Music Stage & Screen (49)

    Music Stage & Screen used second hand books category has books about film, television, acting, plays and scripts. It covers both entertaining books about certain subjects and shows to more academic books that critique and analyse the entertainment industry. The category also has a lot of books about music, sometimes these books are about specific bands or singers and sometimes they are about a certain genre such as Jazz or rock music. There are also a number of books with sheet music or about how to learn to play musical instruments such as the guitar.
  • Business Finance & Law (44)

    Business Finance & Law used books category includes many second-hand, new and hard to find rare books covering subjects such as common law, business law, criminal law, business management, accounting, legislation, statistics, analysis and human resource management. Many of these books are university textbooks or college books at considerably better prices than mainstream book sources.
  • Science Nature & Math (43)

    Science Nature & Math used second hand books category has books about biology, engineering, ecology, accounting, maths and many more similar subjects. Many of these books would be considered textbooks but a lot are general interest books about popular subjects. There are many books about nature from field guides to books about nature through the seasons. Some books in this section are very specialised and sought after books.
  • Gardening Horticulture (40)

    Gardening Horticulture used second hand books section is a vary popular and varied section with books covering, vegetable growing, flowers, grasses, ferns, lawn care, greenhouses, house plants and cacti. This section also holds books about tree management, arboriculture, forestry  as well as more commercial aspects of growing plants for profit and keep. There are also university and study books in this section for horticulture. Many of the books help with the identification of domestic plants, flowers and trees.
  • Food & Drink (34)

    Food & Drink used second-hand books covers all aspects of food and drink books including books on cooking, foraging, wine, home brewing, books on food origins and production. The books can range from mainstream cook books to more obscure titles that cover unusual foods or how to make specific foods from unusual ingredients. Recently books on cheese making and forgotten skills in food making have been very popular especially in relation to foraging or self-sufficiency.
  • Husbandry & Pets & Animal Care (32)

    Husbandry pets animal care used second hand books category covers a very popular category of books to do with anything in relation to caring for animals. This includes agricultural books, horse and equine books as well as the ever popular small animal books about dogs, cats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Another popular genre of books in this section is anything about keeping small animals such as chickens as part of self-sufficiency. Books about dog training are also popular and some books actually focus on caring for one particular breed of dog.
  • Sports Hobbies & Games

    Sports Hobbies & Games (26)

    Sports Hobbies & Games used second hand books category covers books about anything to do with sports from Mountain climbing to football, cricket, rugby books. The books often talk about not only how to do the sport but about the history of the sport and about ethical sporting issues. Some of the books are academic for use in academic settings but a lot of the books are general interest such as angling books. Hobbies  such as surfing and walking are also included in this category.
  • Comics & Graphic Novels (26)

    Comics & Graphic Novels used books are a very popular category and we have many second-hand new and hard to find rare books. Many are collectible. This category can include old children's comic books, modern graphic novels, horror stories, science fiction comics and adult humor.
  • Education Studies & Teaching

    Education Studies & Teaching (25)

    Education Studies & Teaching used second hand books category includes many second-hand and new books covering all aspects of education from theory unpinning education to actual classroom teaching methods. The section also has books about literacy, behavior management, children's emotional development and school finances. There are also many used books about the history of education and about specialist areas such as teaching children with special educational needs.
  • Reference (14)

    Reference used second-hand books category has books that a reader would use to look up information such as dictionaries, medical reference books of diseases and medicine list books. Most textbooks can also be considered reference books but they have specific genre's which they also fit into such as 'Politics' or 'Biology'.
  • Children's Books (13)

    Children's Books used books category includes many second-hand, new and used books. Many of the books are collectible and these are particularly popular. Children's books category includes books for children aged 2 to 13 years old. Older children often prefer the young adult books category for children aged 13 to 18.
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy (12)

    Science Fiction & Fantasy used second hand books category has fiction books about aliens, monsters, stories set in the future and stories about alternative realities and fictional worlds. Some books in this section could also be considered thrillers and suspense and may show in all of these categories. Some books in this category have popular authors that are in very high demand and many of the books contain fantastic art work.
  • Computing & Internet

    Computing & Internet (11)

    Computing & Internet used books category includes many second-hand and new books covering subjects such as, programming, software use, internet security, server management and IT systems. Used Computing & Internet books are often considerably cheaper that new books and there are great savings to be had. We also stock some very specialist hard to find books on niche subjects to do with computers, programming and the internet.
  • Crime Thrillers & Mystery (11)

    Crime Thrillers and Mystery Used Second-Hand Books section has Fiction books which are mainstream and popular and also some that are very uncommon and collectible. Some of them could be considered classic literature especially the older books but most are designed to immerse you in the excitement and mystery of the story and is in part the reason why this genre of books is so popular.
  • University Textbooks (10)

    University Textbooks used second hand books category has text books that are specifically designed for certain courses such as NVQ, diploma and subjects like biology, psychology, maths and any reference book that would be used academically. Many of the books however are listed in other categories for specific subjects rather that in this category. This category has textbooks that are written for certain courses and often have this written on the cover such as Level 3 NVQ books. Or open university books.
  • Foreign Language Study & Reference

    Foreign Language Study & Reference (10)

    Foreign Language Study & Reference used books category covers subjects related to learning second languages, college, university and home learning language books. Chinese, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Asian and Arabic languages and many others are included. There are many different approaches to learning languages and books in this category cover a wide array of methods, some well known and some uncommon techniques for learning and studying foreign languages.
  • Horror (2)

    Horror used second hand books category includes many second-hand and new books covering horror stories, gore and generally frightening stories such as the popular walking dead series. Stories about ghosts, monsters and horrific stories come under this category.
  • Young Adult

    Young Adult (1)

    Young Adult used second hand books category has fiction books that are suitable for older children who can do self directed reading. Adventure books and books about animals such as horses are very popular in this category. Many of the books in this category are older collectible books which parents may have read themselves and are considered collectible like the famous five books that people enjoy collecting.
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