Of all the problems that you can face with your favorite book, a torn page or cover is the most common one. Second-hand books often have minor tears to the dust cover or sometimes pages. Now the good news is, repairs can easily be carried out. This blog will teach you how to fix a torn page in your used book.
Let us take you through step by step process on how to fix a torn page.
- Repairing with glue
Here’s all you’d need to repair the torn pages of your book with glue:
- Toothpick or a thin paintbrush
- Glue or adhesive – preferably Elmer’s Glue or similar solvent/acid free glue (Pritt Stik can be used at a push).
- A container to squeeze out the glue in.
- 2 sheets of wax paper as per the size of the page that needs fixing.
- More books to use as weights.
Step 1 – Examination of the torn page
First, you’ll need to carefully examine the page. Pay attention to the words and images that need to be lined together perfectly before the glue is applied to it. Identify which way the paper is torn and ensure the overlap of paper is at the right side before you start gluing. You cant glue clean cuts together like this see further on if it is a cut rather than a tear.
Step 2 – Putting the first wax paper in place
Now, carefully put the wax paper behind the page that needs repair. You are fixing one page here, so make sure you’re not gluing others together along with it.
Step 3 – Application of glue
Now pick up that thin paintbrush and dip it slightly in the glue. Apply the glue with the brush on the torn edges of the paper. Keep turning the brush as you apply, this helps in smooth application. Make sure to apply a thin layer. Too much glue can mess it up!
Step 4 – Apply gentle pressure
After you have completed applying glue, put the torn parts together and apply gentle pressure. Again ensure you are ‘seating’ the paper back into the page it has been torn from not the wrong side. It should flatten perfectly and fit like a jigsaw.
Step 5 – Wax paper
It’s time for you to put the second wax paper on top of the glued page.
Step 7 – Put some weight on it.
Now shut the book and add more books on top of it. Let it dry, for half an hour. That’s all the time it takes, but it is recommended that you let it stay like that for a day to ensure a smooth and effective repair.
2 – Repairing with Adhesive tape
Sometimes, a cut leaves no overlapping edges so the liquid adhesive won’t hold. You can easily repair such torn pages with adhesive glue tape and here’s all you’ll need.
- Transparent Mending Tape, make sure to use special sticky tape for page repairs. Avoid using any other tape, especially not cellophane tape which goes yellow and brittle.
Step 1 – Make sure your hands are clean!
Before you start the process make sure your hands and especially, your fingertips are clean otherwise your sure to get some bits stuck to the tape that will show through the repair.
Step 2 – Attaching the tape
Attach the tape from the inner end of the cut towards the edge to eliminate any creases. Lap the tape over the edge of the page about a half-inch and turn it under to the other side. Don’t trim the tape flush over the edge as it will snag and cause the page to tear again.
Step 3 – Smooth the tape
Smooth the repair with a a cloth over your finger, and there you have your page repaired in minutes.
Remember: It depends on the type of tear or cut in your second-hand books, for you to choose the process of repairing the torn page. It is something pretty common in used books, but now you know how to perfectly repair a torn page.