Beatrix Potter Treasury by Beatrix Potter ISBN: 9780723264545


Used – Like New

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unread/unused condition. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Dan had come to California to be with his wife who relocat ed for a while to Berkeley to be nearer her grandchild. Temporarily un-harnessed from his profession as a doctor and far from their Vermont home and his beloved workshop. Dan was hot to find a worthwhile local proj ect to which he could apply his talents and which would tap his abundant energy and enthusiasm. My often started but never com pleted book about masonry ovens and the Flemish “Desem” bread was one project that immediately appealed. Dan quickly found his feet on familiar ground; as a bread baker an oven builder. and an already published author he was qualified for the task ahead. It was not long before every book file and photo in my office was unearthed scrutinized and ab sorbed by this dynamic new “super appren

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Beatrix Potter


Used – Like New


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