
A Hunslet Hundred: One Hundred Years of Locomotive Building By the Hunslet Engine Company ISBN:

Original price was: £30.75.Current price is: £26.14.

Used – Good

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SKU: Batch-FM231-G-6167 Category:


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Used older book still in good condition. Some expected wear and marking to cover and page block due to age. See images.

About the book >.>.> THE Hunslet Engine Company was founded in 1864. In the history of locomotive building this is a comparatively late date. Half a lifetime had passed since the Liverpool & Man- chester Railway was opened the greater part of Britain’s com- plex railway system had already been built and British industry was exporting steam locomotives all over the world. Yet as it is the purpose of this book to reveal the story of this one Company and its craftsmen is closely linked by many fascinating threads of association with the whole story of railways and locomotives from its earliest beginnings to the present time. These associations are of much more than senti- mental value for they inspire a proud tradition of fine crafts- manship which the Company worthily perpetuates to this day. This is the Hunslet tradition whose origins are much older than the Company which now upholds it. By virtue of that great pioneer Matthew Murray Leeds disputes with Newcastle the proud distinction of being the birthplace of the steam locomotive. The crude tramway along which Murray’s locomotives first hauled their trains of coal wagons in 1812 passed almost within a stone’s throw of the Hunsle works. Murray’s famous Round Foundry was a great school for engineers so that when it closed down there were many to carry on the torch which Murray had lit.

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David & Charles

Book author

L.T.C. Rolt


Used – Good


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