
Amy Butler’s Blossom: Create Love – Express Beauty – Be Kind book by Amy Butler ISBN: 9781452149516

Original price was: £22.55.Current price is: £18.04.

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unread/unused condition. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Amy Butler’s Blossom magazine is a bi-annual visual journal of everything that inspires her: page after page of photographs from her travels to spiritual locales like Morocco and Sedona; meditative articles from like-minded designers artists and life coaches; Amy’s signature designs and textiles that she has created from these inspirations; plus her ongoing exploration of positive and joyful living. This book compiles the first two issues of her very popular magazine creating an irresistible look-book filled with photographs fashion art and articles that reflect Amy’s unique philosophy of life and style. (MP)

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