
Ancient Egypt At The Louvre book by Guillemette Andreu ISBN: 9782012353275

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Pages in unused condition. Nice book in great condition. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Guillemette Andreu Marie-H?l?ne Rutschowscaya and Christiane Ziegler designed this book as an invitation to discover the civilization of the ancient Egyptians through the works in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities in the Louvre Museum. They selected one hundred thirty objects from the fifty- five thousand in the collection. This choice reflects their personal views and was guided by their intimate knowl- edge of the works. Guillemette Andreu a former member of the Institut Fran?ais d’arch?ologie orientale in Cairo is now a curator of the Patrimoine and teaches hiero- glyphic writing at the ?cole du Louvre. She has published Images de la vie quo- tidienne en ?gypte au temps des pharaons (Hachette 1992) and L’?gypte au temps des Pyramides-Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids (Hachette 1994-Cornell University Press 1997). Marie-H?l?ne Rutschowscaya is curator of the Louvre Museum’s Coptic sec- tion and a professor of Christian archae- ology at the ?cole du Louvre. She has written several catalogues raisonn?s as well as Tissus coptes (Adam Biro 1990) Christiane Ziegler chief curator is responsible for the Department of Egyp tian Antiquities of the Louvre Museum and is a professor of Egyptian archae- ology at the ?cole du Louvre. In addi- tion to numerous articles and scientific works she has written Le Louere. Les antiquit?s ?gyptiennes (Scala 1990) and Le Mastaba d’Abbethetep. Une chapelle fun?raire de l’Ancien Empire (RMN 1995). (MP)

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Guillemette Andreu


Used – Very Good


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