
Auriculas: An Essential Guide book by Paul Dorey ISBN: 9781847972866

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unread/unused condition. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> A uriculas have been cultivated in Great Britain for more than 400 years. The forebears of this wonderful alpine plant originated in the European Alps from where they have found their way into the hearts of gardeners and garden lovers alike. Their popularity has been undiminished over the years and they boast a society dedicated to the promotion and good cultivation of the auricula founded as long ago as 1873. This essential guide covers all the aspects of care and cultivation required in order to grow auriculas and to grow them well. The history of the auricula is quite fascinating and a brief insight into this is given. Experienced and knowledgeable gardener Paul Dorey informs the reader where to obtain auricula plants and how to house them and plant them in the garden. He gives expert advice on the requirements of the different types of auricula from the simple-to-grow alpines and border types through to the more fastidious show types. There are some 1200 different auricula cultivars in existence and more are being produced by dedicated enthusiastic and experienced auricula growers. This book describes some of them giving the breeder’s name if it is known and the year of introduction and describes their colour and form. Advice is given on compost fertilizer watering pests and diseases. There are also suggestions on how to house auriculas from the superior alpine houses down to the humble but very useful cold frame. This practical book acts as a handy reference source for every gardener and enthusiast of this beautiful plant. (SP)

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The Crowood Press

Book author

Paul Dorey


Used – Like New


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