
Blue Mythologies: Reflections on a Colour book by Carol Mavor ISBN: 9781780230832

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unread/unused condition. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Here is another blue science fiction mythology. It is not a myth that all newborn irises look blue whatever final pigmented colour they may end up with. At birth the infant’s unpigmented iris contains many molecular scatterers in a transparent medium: that is why we see a bluish eye when we look into them. Newborn babies’ eyes seem blue; not because they are pigmented but because they scatter blue light to us. Once the pigment arrives the iris has effectively been painted and its colour is then determined by the pigment’s absorption properties; not unlike the blue crystals in the starred ceiling of Giotto’s Arena Chapel which absorb colour in white light leaving only blue to be reflected to us. The blue sky in Wyoming absorbs nothing but scatters the blue of sunlight down to us; not unlike the newborn eyes of babies. In sum: a baby’s blue eyes are scattered light: Paul Newman’s true blue eyes are absorbed light My stories seck blue (duplicitous) truths which nevertheless ring true. In the words of my former teacher lun Chiford. If we are condemned to tell stories we cannot control may we not at least tell stories that we believe to be true True as Coventry blue a ‘reference to the blue cloth and blue thread made at Coventry noted for its peruatient dye Unlike Coventry cloth or Grotto’s Acena Clipd feesones which do of course fade if to a les hoge than other restles and frescoes the blues that derive loves the passage of the light itself ats independent of dos pavel and are not the complement of almoption The blue of the sky is geschensthally acattered threads ut eyesweeps of lightingale (LL)

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Reaktion Books

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Carol Mavor


Used – Like New


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