
Celibacy for Our Times: Religious experience series book by Yves Raguin ISBN: 9780856500312

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> The title of this book is an answer not a question because there is a celibacy for our times. The recent debate is the final stage in a quest that goes back not to Vatican II but to the be- ginnings of Christianity and indeed to before that time. Ever since the Creator-creature relationship stirred man’s conscious- ness the question has been posed. We have only to study the history of the great religious movements to be aware of this. The question was a simple one: Is there a search for and an en- counter with God which may entail the sacrifice of marriage? And the answer was “Yes.” That is the reason why in the case of all the major religions there have been men and wom- en who in order to find God more truly renounced not only marriage but every kind of sexual union. If then every age has produced men and women who have seen fit to renounce such relationships the better to find God our age can and ought to have its witnesses; and that is the reason why I entitled this booklet Celibacy for Our Times. In this perspective celibacy and virginity take on a new meaning and open up to man new horizons. However many are of the opinion that the rediscovery of the grandeur of mar- riage as a way to God will render superfluous the celibate way of life. They are making a great mistake. In fact the redis- covery of marriage is due in large part to the aspirations of those who have renounced it and this discovery of the spiritual depths of conjugal intimacy has given Christians a new insight into the meaning of virginity. (LL)

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Anthony Clarke Books

Book author

Yves Raguin


Used – Very Good


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