
Decorative Painting of the World: A Project Book of Folk Art book by Susan Gray ISBN: 9781875746002

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Remarkable similarities can be found in the history of decorative painting. The ancient Egyptians used many techniques common to eighteenth century Bavaria such as woodgraining and false marbling However the development of painting in each society very much depended on the Mexican plate materials available and contact with outside cultures Even within Europe great stylistic differences arose between such neighbouring countries as Norway and Sweden or Germany and Poland. There is a clear pattern of influence along trade routes-the East on Dutch Hindeloopen-and along the paths of domination: the conquering Moors diverted Spanish decoration and in turn the conquistadors affected the art of Mexico. The study of cultural history through folk painting is a fascinating one In many societies there is no distinction between decorative painting and fine art painting Even in the West this discrimination is relatively new and possibly shortlived as decorative painting is enjoying recovered status today. There is also a growing interest in the lifestyle of other countries (MP)

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Tracy Marsh

Book author

Susan Gray


Used – Very Good


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