
Hints On Light And Shadow Composition Etc.: As Applicable To Landscape Painting book by Samuel Prout ISBN:

Original price was: £51.55.Current price is: £41.24.

Used – Acceptable

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Some tanning and marking due to age. Lots marking on pages.. Year 1838. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> The Writer presumes to offer the following HINTS ON OUTLINE LIGHT AND SHADOW AND COMPOSITION as the basis of his practice and the result of his experience. They have been thrown together principally for juvenile inquirers divested of all technical difficulties which but too often form insuperable hindrances to their progress. It is a mere attempt to convey instruction in the simplest manner and in the plainest language; and to facilitate the learner’s advancement the accompanying examples are subjoined that he may acquire a readier and more perfect knowledge of art than can be gained by precept only. More examples are introduced than are actually needed some of which may perhaps be considered unnecessary repetitions of the same principles and effects; but a variety of illustrations will be useful to one or the other of the numerous classes of students and if they do not tend further to confirm and familiarize the business of instruction may at least not be unacceptable as auxiliary lessons for practice. (MP)

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Ackermann and Co.

Book author

Samuel Prout


Used – Acceptable


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