
Jan Van Eyck book by Ludwig Baldass ISBN:

Original price was: £22.55.Current price is: £18.04.

Used – Good

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SKU: Batch-FM511-G-11208 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Some tanning and marking due to age. Year 1952. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> THIS is the first work on Hubert and Jan van Eyck that does justice both in text and illustrations to their importance as the founders of Flemish painting. The text deals with their own magnifi- cent achievement their forerunners and their followers. There are 170 plates including about 100 large-size detail re- productions from the world-famous Ghent altar-piece as well as from the other important pictures. All paintings miniatures and drawings attributed by serious scholars to one of the brothers van Eyck are illustrated. The author for many years Director of the Vienna Picture Gallery has long since established a world-wide reputation by his publications of which the present may be called the crowning achievement. (OS)

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Ludwig Baldass


Used – Good


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