
Legend of Roland in the Middle Ages book by Rita Lejeune Jacques Stiennon ISBN:

Original price was: £66.55.Current price is: £53.24.

Used – Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Some tanning wear and marking due to age. Year 1971. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> This scholarly work is the first detailed Study to be made of the iconography of Roland the hero of the Chanson de Roland best known literary epic of the Middle Ages as he is depicted in sculpture wall painting the minor arts and above all manuscript illumination. It covers the eleventh to the sixteenth centuries in France Spain Italy the Netherlands and Germany and reveals the evolution of Roland from a stock figure in ecclesiastical art the conqueror of the heathen through sainthood at Chartres into an individualized chivalric hero and his decline in later manuscripts and woodcuts into a ‘type’. The work throws much light on changing medieval thought and taste. (OS)

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Rita Lejeune Jacques Stiennon


Used – Good


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