
Mysticism and the Mystical Experience : East and West book by Donald H. Bishop ISBN: 9780945636731

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Mysticism and the Mystical Experi-ence examines both the variety and uni-versality of mysticism both currently and historically. It considers how various authors have defined mysticism and raises questions about acceptable defi-nitions. It also considers the nature of the mystical experience its prerequisites and results and takes up the arguments of proponents for and against the claim of a single universal mysticism in con-trast to a multiplicity of mysticisms. Proceeding to the Western perspec-tive the book then explores the thought of the Greek philosopher Plotinus. whose mystical philosophy according to writer Ruth Majercik “represents the final flower of the Greek philosophical tradition.” Donald H. Bishop the editor of the volume then examines the thoughts of three medieval Christian mystics St. Francis of Assisi Meister Eckhart and Thomas a Kempis. Quaker mysticism as a unique form of Christian thought is then explored by Warren Steinkraus. Jewish mysticism with a special emphasis on mystical texts is the subject of contributor Eliott Wolfson. Paula Allen herself a native American takes up the subject of American Indian mysticism while Sandra A. Wawrytko examines the peculiar characteristics of the “feminine” mode of mysticism. Turning to non-Western philosophies Kuang-Ming Wu examines Chinese mys ticism elaborating on the differences be tween Confucian and Taoist thought. Leslie Kawamura then demonstrates how from a Buddhist point of view. (SP)

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Susquehanna Univ Pr

Book author

Donald H. Bishop


Used – Very Good


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