
Notes by Mr. Ruskin on Samuel Prout and William Hunt : an illustration of a loan collection of drawings exhibited at the Fine art society’s galleries in 1879-80 book by John Ruskin ISBN:

Original price was: £52.55.Current price is: £42.04.

Used – Acceptable

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SKU: Batch-FM525-AC-11449 Categories: , , Tags: ,


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in poor condition many of the pages are loose but plates are good.. Year 1880. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> THE success which attended the Illustrated Edition of Mr. Ruskin’s Notes on his Turner Drawings has induced The Fine Art Society again to ask his consent to the issue of a similar edition of those compiled by him on Samuel Prout and William Hunt. This consent he has given and the more readily because the means of reproduction adopted in the present instance are more satisfactory than those used in the former volume. More satisfactory for these reasons-first that the reproductions are taken directly from the originals instead of from engravings after the originals-second that the majority of the drawings now reproduced lend them-selves more readily to the process. On this account too the drawings of Prout have been reproduced in fifteen instances whilst of the Hunt’s only five have been selected. Subscribers to the Illustrated Edition of the Turner Notes will it is trusted forgive the want of uniformity in size between the two volumes it being found that the larger sheet now used Ows to much greater advantage the delicate pencillings of Mr. Prout. (MP)

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John Ruskin


Used – Acceptable


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