
Rude Awakenings: Zen the Kyoto School and the Question of Nationalism book by James W. Heisig John C. Maraldo ISBN: 9780824817466

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unread/unused condition. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Among intellectual historians of Japan particularly those working in the United States the enthusiastic reception of the Kyoto school religious phil-osophy in Europe and North America came as something of a surprise. For by and large the comparative philosophers and theologians who were giving these Japanese thinkers their warm welcome had simply overlooked the polit-ical implications of their thought especially during World War II. Today the situation has clearly changed. If there is one single factor we can point to as having brought the polit-ical aspect to the fore it is the case of Martin Heidegger. In the light of new revelations of Heidegger’s associations with the German Nazi Party affec-tions for Heideggerian thought underwent a sea change and in the process the consciousness of a generation was awakened as perhaps never before to the political practices of supposedly apolitical philosophers and scholars. It was only a matter of time before this rude awakening. (SP)

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University of Hawaii Press

Book author

James W. Heisig John C. Maraldo


Used – Like New


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