
Sources for the History and Spirituality of the Servants of St. Mary – Volume One from 1245 to 1348 book by Giovanni M. Sperman ISBN: 9788881661213

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Hardcover. Italian. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> This work which bring together in an English trans-lation the historical and spiritual sources of the Order of the Servants of Mary offers to friars and others who are inspired by the same ideal of life access to documents which illustrate the spiritual journey of the Order across the centuries. The documents defined as “historical and spiritual sources are the echo down through the ages of an incarna tion of a religious word; they demonstrate the continuity and constancy of some characteristics particular to the Or der they are vital elements for an introduction into the his tory and spirituality of the Order valuable points of refer ence in revealing the outlines of the same plan handed down through history behind the progressive enrichment and growing complexity of paths that constitutes our pre-sent day reality as the Servite Family which still derives in-spiration and its identity from our origins. (SP)

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Associazione Emmaus Servit.

Book author

Giovanni M. Sperman


Used – Very Good


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