
Still Life: Flemish and German Masters book by Claus Grimm ISBN: 9783763007806

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Images are beautiful bright and vivid. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Out of the 105 still lifes presented 55 are here pub- lished for the first time in colour and of these 15 are presented for the first time in any form. The book raises new funda- mental historical questions: how did a new genre of painting emerge and devel- op? How do we explain the wealth of production; how did it become such a narrow not to say highly disciplined spe- cialisation? What was the historical back- ground against which far-reaching pi- oneering aesthetic experiments were pur- sued such as we see in the works of Kalf and van Beyeren and yet without losing the patronage of those who com- missioned and those who bought? With such questions in mind clues are given for the interpretation of individual pic- tures which combine iconographic sym- bols with respect for aesthetic considera- tions. The reader is acquainted with the problems of historical interpretation of pictures and encouraged to go further in this direction himself. In order accurately to direct the eye of the observer one needs to be as closely concerned as possi- ble with the quality of the original paint- ing. This book attempts to foster this ap- proach to the perspectives of the old painters and their observers and of the modern expert. To this end 180 new col- our photographs have been taken and re- produced according to the latest tech- niques and standards. (OS)

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Belser Verlag

Book author

Claus Grimm


Used – Very Good


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