
T.E. Lawrence: An Arab View book by Suleiman Mousa ISBN:

Original price was: £45.55.Current price is: £36.44.

Used – Very Good

1 in stock


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Pages in good condition. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Suleiman Mousa who is the author of several books in Arabic and works in the Press and Information Department in Amman wrote this book after a study of the literature on T. E. Law- rence had convinced him that although there were books written to praise Lawrence and others written to dis- credit him all of them exaggerated his part in the Arab Revolt and failed to do justice to the Arabs themselves. Using little known Arab sources and with the help of many survivors and observers of the Revolt the author considers again the story as told by Lawrence and his biographers; he questions Lawrence’s version of many of the incidents in which he took part and examines the sincerity of his belief in Arab independence. At the invitation of the publisher Mr A. W. Lawrence (T. E.’s brother) read the book in proof and commented on it. His comments are printed with Mr Mousa’s approval at the end of the book. Although many admirers of T. E. will prefer Lawrence’s version of his part in the Arab Revolt Mr Mousa’s ob- vious concern to be fair-minded and the weight of the evidence he produces make his book one that must be studied by all who are interested in ‘Lawrence of Arabia’. (SP)

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Oxford University Press London

Book author

Suleiman Mousa


Used – Very Good


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