
The Anathemata: fragments of an attempted writing by David Jones ISBN:

Original price was: £35.95.Current price is: £30.56.

Used – Very Good

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SKU: Batch-FM234-VG-6229 Category:


Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in great condition. 1950s edition. Pages in excellent condition. Hardcover. Inside cover page has some discloration with age. Dustcover in exceptional condition for age. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> The Anathemata is not a sequel to In Parenthesis but an equally original work by a wholly unclassifiable author. Like its predecessor it is a testimony and also a kind of testa- ment an inventory of what the author has inherited what he has acquired and what he has to be- queath. The title has a double sense. Anathema in Greek meant ‘some- thing dedicated’ and came to mean ‘curse’. Anathema (with a long e) means ‘a devoted thing ornament or gift’. The author wishes to sug- gest all of these meanings and speaks of ‘the blessed things that have taken on what is cursed and the profane things that somehow are redeemed. things set up lifted up or in whatever manner made over to the gods’. What is the book about? ‘It is about one’s own “thing” which res is unavoidably part and parcel of the Western Christian res as inherited by a per- son whose perceptions are totally conditioned and limited by and dependent upon his being indigenous to this island.

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Faber and Faber Limited

Book author

David Jones


Used – Very Good


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