
The Art of Tracey Emin book by Chris Townsend Mandy Merck ISBN: 9780500283851

Original price was: £14.55.Current price is: £11.64.

Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Pages in good condition. Very slight tan to page edges.. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> A collection of critical essays on the most famous living artist in Britain a celebrity more familiar to us from television and the tabloids than the fine-art library is a risky business. “High art lite as its detractors term the young British artist (yBa) pheno-menon has given rise to a corresponding critical brew in which the writer seeks to engage a vastly enlarged public and elude Pseuds’ Corner by streetwise straight-talk about stuff working OK as art. The principal publication devoted to the work of Tracey Emin to date contains three essays. The first begins: ‘Tracey Emin has big tits and comes from Margate.” The third is titled ‘Just How Big Are They?” The one in the middle is headed by an epigraph from Emin opening with ‘I feel terribly depressed… I’m starting to panic… It’s quite obvious I’m useless.’ Tits ‘n’ terror are not irrelevant to the work of an artist who draws female nudes and writes meditations on panic. The nudes may represent the artist’s body and the poems describe her state of mind or they thay not. But drawing and writing are neither flesh nor emotion and the appar-onmediacy of Tracey Emin’s work is both artful and ambiguous the product of al technical and generic strategies that are anything but unmediated. (LL)

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Thames & Hudson

Book author

Chris Townsend Mandy Merck


Used – Very Good


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