
The Calvinist Roots of the Modern Era book by Aliki Barnstone Michael Tomasek Manson Carol J. Singley ISBN: 9780874518085

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Pages unused. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> CALVINISM’S INFLUENCE ON American literature and culture has long been recognized by critics but studies of this legacy tend to focus on the nineteenth century and neglect important links between Calvinism and modernity. The Calvinist Roots of the the Modern Modern Era is unique in bring-ing together new essays that focus on Calvinism’s dynamic presence in twentieth-century American poetry fiction and film. The reader will find a wide range of essays in this collection from single-author studies and close readings of texts to interdisciplinary and multicultural studies. We have been particularly interested in essays that look at aspects historically neglected or devalued especially those relating to gender ethnicity and race. Many of the essays treat writers who are not Calvinist or even reli-gious but who are nonetheless influenced by Calvinism’s transformation from theological doctrine to secular ideology. In this century Calvinism appears as a psychological construct a cultural institution or artifact a habit of mind or a sociopolitical structure. Because Calvinism has had such a great cultural influence Americans of all religions look back to and are affected by John Winthrop’s “City Upon a Hill” (“Model” gr). For this reason we include essays on a diversity of voices such as Catholic Jewish and African American writers who although not in direct lineage from the Puritans engage Calvinism through their experience as Americans. By the same principle this book also addresses popular culture-in particular how the Vietnam war era produced its own distinct reaction to Calvinist precepts. With their broad range of views and methodologies these essays open new areas of inquiry and will we hope inspire still more study of Cal-vinism’s continuing and always shifting presence in the twentieth century. Before summarizing the essays we would like to suggest that twentieth-century writers have had three frequently overlapping relationships with the United States’ Calvinist heritage: continuity independence and con vergence. Continuity has primarily been expressed in the persistence of particular Calvinist beliefs (such as innate depravity and divine grace. (SP)

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Univ Pr of New England

Book author

Aliki Barnstone Michael Tomasek Manson Carol J. Singley


Used – Very Good


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