
The Coinage and Counterfeits of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek book by Elias Levine ISBN:

Original price was: £32.55.Current price is: £26.04.

Used – Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Pages in good condition. Pages excellent. Year 1974. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> The publication of this book on the centenary of the first true South African coinage the Staatsponde is timely and will undoubtedly contri-bute to the commemoration of this historic event. The Staatsponde were introduced on the instructions of my Grand-father the late President T. F. Burgers and his Executive Committee. These instructions were ratified by the Volksraad on the 22nd September. 1874. With this family connection I was pleased to accept invitation to write a foreword to this book. the author’s The author for many years has displayed a keen interest in the coinage of the old Z.A.R. He is to be commended on the extensive research he has devoted to this study and congratulated on producing a book which from the manuscripts he has allowed me to see should be interesting and informative to those generally interested in history as well as those seeking particular knowledge on coinage. I am confident that this book will contribute to the recording of the early history of our country. (LL)

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Elias Levine


Used – Good


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