
The Dominion of the Air: The Story of Aerial Navigation book by REV J M Bacon ISBN:

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. No notes or highlighting. Nice older book in good condition. binding loose. Year 1902. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> So wrote Wilkins Bishop of Chester who was reckoned a man of genius and learning in the days of the Commonwealth. But so soon as we come to inquire into the matter we find that this good Bishop was borrowing from the ideas of others who had gone before him; and look back as far as we will man- kind is discovered to have entertained persistent and often plausible ideas of human flight. And those ideas had in some sort of way for good or ill taken practical shape. Thus as long ago as the days when Xenophon was leading back his warriors to the shores of the Black Sea and ere the Gauls had first burned Rome there was a philosopher Archytas. (SP)

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Cassell and company limited

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REV J M Bacon


Used – Good


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