
The Importance of Religion: Meaning and Action in our Strange World book by Gavin Flood ISBN: 9781405189712

Original price was: £26.55.Current price is: £21.24.

Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Gift message in front.. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> That religion is of fundamental public concern cannot be doubted as we move into the twenty-first century central to global politics cultural or identity politics ethics and the socio-economic processes of late modernity as well as to the contested claims made in its name. Religions own vast tracts of land have access to great resources which impact upon billions of the world’s population and 15 percent of the habitable surface of the earth is regarded as sacred. Yet never has religion been so misunderstood. Never has there been a time when the understanding of religions has been more important and never has there been a greater need for such knowledge and critical inquiry to advise public debate which so often lacks informed perspectives. Some disparage religion as irrational making claims about the world that simply cannot be substantiated in the light of modern scientific knowledge. On this view religion is a series of propositions about the world akin to scientific theories but erroneous propositions which have hampered. and still hamper human progress and true knowledge and understanding. (LL)

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Gavin Flood


Used – Very Good


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