
The Mythic Path: Discovering the Guiding Stories of Your Past Creating-A Vision for Your Future book by David Feinstein ISBN: 9780874778571

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. Pages in good condition. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Some years ago I found myself sitting on the ground in a village in India watching a a television dramatization of the Ramayana. The village’s one television set was a source of great pride and all the villagers had come from their fields and houses to be inspired and entertained by the weekly hour in which the many episodes of this key myth of the Hindu world were so glo- riously produced. The story tells of Prince Rama (an avatar of the god Vishnu) and his noble wife Princess Sita (a human incarnation of the goddess Lak- shmi) and how they have been betrayed and banished to live in a forest for fourteen years. Nevertheless they are very happy for Rama is noble hand- some and full of valor while Sita is virtuous beautiful and completely sub- servient to her husband. They are in other words the archaic ideal of the perfect married couple. Unfortunately their forest idyll is brutally interrupted when Sita is abducted by the many-headed multi-armed demon Ravana who promptly carries her off to his own kingdom of Sri Lanka. Enter the saintly monkey Hanuman. (SP)

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David Feinstein


Used – Good


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