
The Skuas: Poyser Monographs book by Robert W. Furness Natural History ISBN: 9780856610462

Original price was: £29.55.Current price is: £25.12.

Used – Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in good condition. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> Many birdwatchers may never have seen a skua; those who have will most probably have vivid memories of one or other species flying power- fully past a headland or twisting and diving in pursuit of its piratical intentions towards a food-laden seabird – or perhaps more memor- ably still of themselves taking evasive action from the power-diving irate skua whose territory they have unwisely invaded. The full classification of the skuas is still debated but Dr Furness of the Applied Ornithology Unit Glasgow University favours six species of two genera with five subspecies based on current knowledge and his own long and dedicated field studies and research. All of the species are treated comparatively under the following chapter titles: Early history and classification Distributions and populations Migration patterns Reversed sexual size dimorphism Behaviour Food and feeding Kleptoparasitism Plumage polymorphism Breeding systems and social organisation Breeding laying to hatching Breeding hatching to fledging Population dynamics Pollutants Skuas and agriculture Skuas and conservation. The text is supported by 100 maps and diagrams 30 photographs and 65 tables. In addition John Busby contributes 35 evocative drawings which more than embellish this erudite and readable summary of an impressive and diverse group of birds. (SP)

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A & C Black Publishers

Book author

Robert W. Furness


Used – Good


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