
Tony North Arms and Armour: A memorial volume of his collected articles book by David Williams and Eric Turner ISBN: 9781907417627

Original price was: £40.55.Current price is: £32.44.

Used – Like New

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Book in excellent unrean/unused condition. Hardcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> Tony North was one of those individuals who had the great good fortune to find his perfect place in life this being among the world-class collections of the Department of Metalwork at the Victoria & Albert Museum whose Keeper was Claude Blair the outstanding authority of his time on arms and armour and around the antique shops auction houses and arms fairs of London. Tony’s passions were not solely for European and Oriental arms and armour but also for silver jewellery and base metais and he had an enquiring mind which was put to very good use. For Tony the primacy of the object was the basis of good museum practice. Establishing a piece’s correct identification and place in the wider scheme of things and then transmitting that knowledge in the form of a catalogue entry an article or a lecture occupied much of his waking hours. Tony’s scholarship was both profound and wide ranging High seriousness for him however was not incompatible with wit or humour and he was never dull He possessed a light and readable style which made his work accessible to a wide audience and Iness The Arms & Armour Society to which he was Hon Secretary between 1983 and 1991. (SP)

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Arms and Armour Society in association with Ken Trotman

Book author

David Williams and Eric Turner


Used – Like New


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