
Variety is the Spice of Life by L.G.S. Sanderson ISBN: 9781858636917

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice older book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Signed copy. No notes or highlighting. See images. Fantastic book.

About the book >.>.> I was born in Buenos Aires capital of the Argentine Republic on the 5th August 1916; and although my parents were both Scottish and as such recognised as British Subjects by the British Government it must also be appreciated that the Argentine Authorities only accepted me as an Argentine citizen. This was to produce difficulties in the future; and meantime it meant that I could only enter or leave the Republic on an Argentine Passport. Indeed it went further because whilst I could travel anywhere in the world subject to the necessary visa as an Argentinean my British Passport was invalid at all times in the Republic and I could not legally expect any help from the British Embassy should the need ever arise! Rather than keep readers in suspense as to what problems might arise in the future it may be best to jump some 36 years to the conclusion of this enigma resulting from my dual nationality in place of relating events as they happened in chronological order over the years. Nothing of note transpired whilst I was a minor although every time that I did visit my parents in the Argentine whilst I was at Loretto School in Scotland I had to produce a copy of my Argentine Birth Certificate in order to get an Argentine Passport. It was not until I became a Gentleman Cadet at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst that the real implications of my Argentine Nationality were brought home to me. This was due to the receipt about December 1935 of my Call Up Order instructing me to report on New Year’s Day 1936 for Military Training as a Conscript in their Army a choice of date if for no other reason than that I was a Scotsman I viewed with great distaste!

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Minerva Press

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L.G.S. Sanderson


Used – Very Good

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