
Walking in a Widening World: Understanding Religious Diversity book by Hendrik M Vroom ISBN: 9789086596522

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Used – Very Good

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Immediate dispatch from Somerset. Nice book in great condition. Pages in excellent condition. Softcover. English. See images for condition.

About the book >.>.> At the same time we have to take our own beliefs seriously. We should in interreligious encounter do what we learned from the philosophers-ex-amine the thought of others as well as our own learn from others ask critical questions and rethink the basic ideas passed down to us in our tradition. We have to respect the truths in the faith traditions of the oth-ers just as we have to respect them in our tradition. Not everyone can be right-not all thinkers say the same thing in the history of philosophy either. Although John Hick’s church in California had denied him the right to preach I am convinced that he tried to love his fellow human beings as much as he intended to defend the real centre of the Christian tradition. Part of his inspiration came from liberation theology: being reconciled with others seeing them not as the enemy but as fellow travel-lers. In the essays collected in this volume I try to find a balance between respecting other people including their beliefs and respecting the basic beliefs of one’s own tradition as well–in my case an ecumenically minded Reformed tradition as will be reflected in some of the essays. Actually before I met Hick in person in 1989. (SP)

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Vu University Press

Book author

Hendrik M Vroom


Used – Very Good


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