Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences used second hand books category has books about world politics and discussions around philosophy including texts from specific historic figures. The social science books are about day to day social issues such as social care and security as well as specific areas such as social work. Many of the books look at complex social issues from competing perspectives as in sociology.
- Sale!
- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- A Brief History Of Crime: The Decline of Order Justice and Liberty in England book by Peter Hitchens ISBN: 9781843541486
£19.55Original price was: £19.55.£15.64Current price is: £15.64. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Aesthetic Democracy book by Thomas Docherty Contemporary Criticism ISBN: 9780804751896
£19.95Original price was: £19.95.£15.96Current price is: £15.96. - Used - Like New
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Amateurs: On the Margin Between Work and Leisure: Sociological Observations book by Robert A. Stebbins ISBN: 9780803912007
£39.95Original price was: £39.95.£31.96Current price is: £31.96. - Used - Good
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- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- Appeal of Fascism: A Study of Intellectuals and Fascism 1919-45 book by Alastair Hamilton ISBN: 9780218514261
£22.95Original price was: £22.95.£18.36Current price is: £18.36. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Arguing With Anthropology: An Introduction to Critical Theories of the Gift book by Karen Sykes ISBN: 9780415254441
£27.95Original price was: £27.95.£22.36Current price is: £22.36. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Black Madness: Mad Blackness book by Ther? Alyce Pickens ISBN: 9781478003748
£24.95Original price was: £24.95.£19.96Current price is: £19.96. - Used - Like New
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys: How and Why US Agents Conspired to Assassinate JFK and RFK ISBN: 9781626362550
£24.95Original price was: £24.95.£19.96Current price is: £19.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Reserved Customers, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Courting the Wild Twin book by Martin Shaw Philosophy Spirituality ISBN: 9781603589505
£15.55Original price was: £15.55.£12.44Current price is: £12.44. - Used - Like New
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Creativity and Cultural Improvisation: ASA Monographs Book 44 book by Elizabeth Hallam Tim Ingold ISBN: 9781845205270
£28.95Original price was: £28.95.£23.16Current price is: £23.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Cultural Imperialism book by John Tomlinson Domination Aboriginal ISBN: 9780826450135
£29.95Original price was: £29.95.£23.96Current price is: £23.96. - Used - Very Good
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- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- Defacement: Public Secrecy and the Labor of the Negative book by Michael Taussig ISBN: 9780804732000
£26.55Original price was: £26.55.£22.57Current price is: £22.57. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Doing Narrative Research book by Andrews Squire Tamboukou Social Science ISBN: 9781412911979
£19.95Original price was: £19.95.£15.96Current price is: £15.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Empire of Scrounge Inside the Urban Underground Dumpster Diving Trash Picking and Street Scavenging book by Jeff Ferrell ISBN: 9780814727386
£14.95Original price was: £14.95.£11.96Current price is: £11.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Continuity and Change in the Cathedrals of Consumption book by Dr. George Ritzer ISBN: 9781412975810
£19.95Original price was: £19.95.£15.96Current price is: £15.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Government by B Traven ISBN: 9780749001537
£26.95Original price was: £26.95.£21.56Current price is: £21.56. - Used - Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Luk?cs After Communism: Interviews with Contemporary Intellectuals book by Eva L. Corredor ISBN: 9780822317630
£18.95Original price was: £18.95.£15.16Current price is: £15.16. - Used - Very Good
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- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Man without a Gun by Giandomenico Picco ISBN: 9780812929102
£29.95Original price was: £29.95.£25.46Current price is: £25.46. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Management of Voluntary Organisations by Elizabeth Potter; David Smellie ISBN: 9781855243514
£18.95Original price was: £18.95.£15.16Current price is: £15.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Reserved Customers, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Materiality: Politics History and Culture book by Miller Social Sciences Methodology ISBN: 9780822335429
£13.95Original price was: £13.95.£11.86Current price is: £11.86. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Motorways Versus Democracy book by J. Tyme ISBN: 9780333231876
£23.95Original price was: £23.95.£19.16Current price is: £19.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Narrative Inquiry: Experience and Story in Qualitative Research book by Jean Clandinin Michael Connelly ISBN: 9780787943431
£29.95Original price was: £29.95.£23.96Current price is: £23.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Nattering in Paradise: A Word from the Suburbs book by Daniel Meadows ISBN: 9780671698904
£16.95Original price was: £16.95.£13.56Current price is: £13.56. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- New Labour by Driver Stephen; Martell Luke ISBN: 9780745633312
£17.25Original price was: £17.25.£13.80Current price is: £13.80. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Organization and Aesthetics book by Antonio Strati Socially Constructs ISBN: 9780761952398
£24.95Original price was: £24.95.£19.96Current price is: £19.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Organization-Representation: Work and Organizations in Popular Culture book by John Hassard Ruth Holliday ISBN: 9780761953913
£24.95Original price was: £24.95.£19.96Current price is: £19.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Organizational Olympians: Heroes and Heroines of Organizational Myths book by M. Kostera ISBN: 9780230515710
£59.95Original price was: £59.95.£47.96Current price is: £47.96. - Used - Good
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- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- Outhouses of the East book by Ray Guy Cultural History ISBN: 9780920852033
£15.95Original price was: £15.95.£13.56Current price is: £13.56. - Used - Very Good
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- Sale!
- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Politics Without Democracy 1815-1914: Perception and Preoccupation in British Government ISBN: 9780006863427
£27.55Original price was: £27.55.£22.04Current price is: £22.04. - Used - Like New
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty Rethinking Art book by Richard Shusterman ISBN: 9780847697656
£25.45Original price was: £25.45.£20.36Current price is: £20.36. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics Study Edition (8th Edition) ISBN: 9780205491681
£9.45Original price was: £9.45.£7.56Current price is: £7.56. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Raising Expectations: and Raising Hell: My Decade Fighting for the Labor Movement book by McAlevey ISBN: 9781844678853
£31.25Original price was: £31.25.£25.00Current price is: £25.00. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Reflexivity and Voice book by Rosanna Hertz Ethnography ISBN: 9780761903840
£21.95Original price was: £21.95.£17.56Current price is: £17.56. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Regionalism across the North/South Divide: State Strategies and Globalization by Grugel Jean; Hout Wil ISBN: 9780415162135
£10.07Original price was: £10.07.£8.06Current price is: £8.06. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Resource Manual for a Living Revolution book by Virginia Coover ISBN: 9780865710085
£52.55Original price was: £52.55.£42.04Current price is: £42.04. - Used - Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Roots of Wisdom A Multicultural Reader book by Mitchell ISBN: 9780534230890
£19.95Original price was: £19.95.£15.96Current price is: £15.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Splendid Fun: The Story of One Hundred Years of Devon Girl Guides book by Rosemary Howell ISBN: 9780955939310
£39.95Original price was: £39.95.£31.96Current price is: £31.96. - Used - Like New
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The collected works of John Stuart Mill. Essays on Economics and Society 1824-1845. Vol 4. ISBN: 9780865976535
£11.91Original price was: £11.91.£9.53Current price is: £9.53. - Used - Like New
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- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance: Revised Edition book by Hans Baron ISBN: 9780691007526
£20.95Original price was: £20.95.£17.81Current price is: £17.81. - Used - Good
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- Out of StockSale!
- Reserved Customers, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Enigma of the Gift book by Maurice Godelier Social Sciences ISBN: 9780226300450
£24.95Original price was: £24.95.£19.96Current price is: £19.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the World: Canons book by Lewis Hyde ISBN: 9781841958330
£15.95Original price was: £15.95.£12.76Current price is: £12.76. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Legitimacy Puzzle in Latin America by Booth John A.; Seligson Mitchell A. ISBN: 9780521515894
£23.87Original price was: £23.87.£19.10Current price is: £19.10. - Used - Acceptable
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Life and Death of Images: Ethics and Aesthetics book by Diarmuid Costello Dominic Willsdon ISBN: 9781854376589
£15.59Original price was: £15.59.£12.47Current price is: £12.47. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The New Era of Terrorism: Selected Readings by Martin Gus ISBN: 9780761988731
£19.59Original price was: £19.59.£15.67Current price is: £15.67. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire by Michael Budd ISBN: 9780333626641
£29.95Original price was: £29.95.£23.96Current price is: £23.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Survivor Meets the Challenge book by Chamil Wariya ISBN: 9789833318766
£38.55Original price was: £38.55.£30.84Current price is: £30.84. - Used - Very Good
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- Out of StockSale!
- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- The Tainted Source: The Undemocratic Origins of the European Idea book by John Laughland ISBN: 9780316882965
£27.25Original price was: £27.25.£23.16Current price is: £23.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Out of StockSale!
- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- The Teds book by Chris Steele-Perkins Richard Smith ISBN: 9781899235445
£23.95Original price was: £23.95.£19.16Current price is: £19.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Sale!
- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- The Work and the Gift book by Scott Cutler Shershow Sociology Of Work ISBN: 9780226752570
£16.95Original price was: £16.95.£13.56Current price is: £13.56. - Used - Like New
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- Out of StockSale!
- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- Three Famines: Starvation and Politics by Thomas Keneally ISBN: 9781610391870
£9.75Original price was: £9.75.£7.80Current price is: £7.80. - Used - Like New
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- Sale!
- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Through Emotions to Maturity: Psychological Readings of Fairy Tales book by Verena Kast ISBN: 9780880642064
£28.95Original price was: £28.95.£23.16Current price is: £23.16. - Used - Very Good
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- Out of StockSale!
- None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences, Reserved Customers
- True humanism by Jacques Maritain ISBN:
£19.95Original price was: £19.95.£15.96Current price is: £15.96. - Used - Very Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Yearning: Race Gender and Cultural Politics book by Bell Hooks ISBN: 9781873262009
£29.95Original price was: £29.95.£23.96Current price is: £23.96. - Used - Good
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- Featured, None Fiction, Politics Philosophy & Social Sciences
- Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism book by Bulkin Pratt Smith ISBN: 9780932379535
£24.55Original price was: £24.55.£19.64Current price is: £19.64. - Used - Very Good
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